18 December 2010

Thanksgiving Service at Capricorn Church

12 Dec 2010

Capricorn Church Thanksgiving Service: a time for the church to reflect and celebrate what God has done in the year. We had a wonderful worship service - each ministry (youth, children's Sunday School, Ladies' Ministry, etc) was given an opportunity to share a testimony or do an 'act' in the service. It was really great hearing the testimonies of those dedicated to the church - telling of how faithful God is and all that He's provided through His church! It was such a wonderful reminder that all the effort put into ministry in the Capricorn Church has not been in vain. The smallest acts can mean the world to someone, so we must continue to be faithful and let God reap the harvest in His time!

One of our youth - giving her testimony about a hard past, hearing the Gospel this year and asking the Lord into her life! She tearfully shared and emotionally moved the whole church!

My Ladies singing Afrikaans praise songs!

Lunch served to the whole church after service! These are some of our youth girls enjoying their lunch outside in the wonderful South African summer sun!

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