13 January 2011

Day 3 - Jan Holiday Club

Day 3 ...
I'm still alive but barely. Kids exhaust me. Especially when there are so little helpers - its like herding cats!
Today I got to do the story-time. We talked about Moses and God providing food (Manna) each day. As I taught, I was burdened by the children's ability to relate to this story... They live in homes where they have no idea if there will be food to eat that day. And when there is food, its usually a loaf of bread & maybe some butter. I'm positive these children get tired of bread & butter & complain to those in their home (like those that Moses was leading) about wanting more or wanting something different. The kids really understood that fact & agreed that they often complain. We spoke about depending on God - that He'll provide what we need when we need it. That's a hard lesson when you don't know for certain if you'll eat today, when your belly is grumbling, and your attitude is sour because you're physically hurting. I was greatly humbled by this story and my Capricorn Children today.

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