I was shocked and honored when a local church (that I've never been to) asked me to be their opening speaker at their VERY FIRST Missions Conference. This church (Full Gospel Church in Fish Hoek, South Africa) is a mixed-culture church - predominantly white South African with lots of other local cultures mixed in. When I sat down with one of their pastors to get details of this event and to find out what exactly I was to speak about, the pastor told me that the church is not currently very 'missional.' The church has recently been flooded with teachings on The Great Commission (Matt 28) and the pastors have been preparing their congregation on the necessity of 'selfless service' and the church's responsibility to GO! So, I began praying and asking God what I was supposed to speak about. I felt unworthy and inadequate, and I was thankful for both. I spent weeks looking through scriptures that "called me" to missions here in South Africa and I was guided to speak about HOW I was called to the Mission Field.

I told them that this journey began years before I even knew what was going on. I prayed a prayer that has been powerful and fruitful:
"Lord, before giving me what I want, make me who I need to be."
That bold prayer changed my life forever. It changed my perspective, my purpose, my direction.
I told the church that I sat through 8 Global Impact Celebrations (our Shades Mountain Missions Conference) before I really tuned in as if the message was for me. I would sit in the congregation and pray for our youth, for families, for singles... to give their lives to missions, to GO, to be obedient ... but all the while, I was content with 'my ministry' at Shades. I found great pleasure that I was already on the mission field at my church. But, that Shades mission field was only the beginning. It was the training ground for something bigger.
I gave my testimony - talking about my dream to be an artist, all my schooling faced my desire to succeed in 'this life.' I then told about how God grabbed my attention when I was in University and I began helping lead Youth Small Groups; my heart for true, walking-life discipleship began there! My part-time work with the Student Ministry at Shades Mountain led to a full-time job there, and that led into many 'transitioning' positions within ministry. I was given multiple opportunities to serve internationally on mission (short-term); my eyes were opened to God's work amongst the nations. My heart stayed in South Africa and I knew this is where God was calling me. But it was through 2 specific chapters in Matthew that I was called: Matt 7 & 8. Praying through those scriptures, I knew God was asking me to be stripped from my 'American comforts' and step out into His plan.
- I was to take the log out of my eye so that I could cleanse myself from judgement (Matt 7:5)
- I was to ASK God what His plan was. Not just to continue in my ways and my own plans (Matt 7:7-8)
- The Golden Rule gripped me. I would want someone to show me Jesus. I'd want someone to sacrifice their comfort for me. I'd want someone to literally show me how to "enter the narrow gate." (Matt 7: 12-13)
- I wanted to bear God's good fruit. I wanted RESULTS! I didn't want to be thrown into the fire (Matt 7:18-20)
- I did NOT want to hear God say 'that He never knew me' (Matt 7:21-23)
- I wanted to live a wise life - with my foundation in Christ (Matt 7:24)
- I wanted to live in faith in Jesus' authority (Matt 7:28)
- I wanted to touch those that seem unlovable; I want to give healing life to others (Matt 8:3)
- I wanted to have faith like the Centurion - when Jesus praised his faith and was proud of his belief (Matt 8:10)
- I heard God say that I was to be a light in a dark place - showing Jesus' purpose in discipleship and living a life worthy of Christ (Matt 8:14-17)
- I needed to drop my socially acceptable excuses - that I was 'taking care' of people, I had a responsibility to stay. I held on to the excuse of too little funds, not being married, needed to wait on the 'right time' to go and serve Christ. My excuses vanished in Jesus' words in Matt 8:18-22
- And then Jesus reminded me that He is over 'even the winds and the waves' - so what was I to fear? (Matt 8:23-27)
- And the words "go" have many meanings in the spiritual realm. God's power in the spoken Word is enough for me! (Matt 8:32)
+ Matt 28:16-20 - The Great Commission
+ Mark 10:13-31 - Let the little children come to me & The Rich Young Man
+ 1 Peter 1:3 - Living Hope
+ Isaiah 58:10-11 - Pour yourself out for the hungry, afflicted, be fresh water to thirsty people
My three main points:
. Pray bold prayers
. Listen: the message is for YOU
. Uncover your excuses
So, I spoke. I watched a church attentive to God's Word and call upon each of their lives. The Missions Conference was kicked off and I was humbled and honored to be a small part! I'm watching God's plan unfold and the importance of living amongst the people become fruitful in trust, in respect, in God's purposes! This journey has just begun to take root!
Bonus material to this story...
Because I had to be at the church early (6pm) to test some media I used, meet with the pastor, pray, etc ... I was so hungry. It was 9:45pm before I got out of the church. I think it was because I'd been talking about America and was nostalgic, I ran to McDonalds for a chicken sandwich and fries! MMMmmm... it's such a treat to eat out. I guess I was celebrating God's goodness and faithfulness.

Combo meal at McDonalds in South Africa: R35
In US Dollar: $4.17
Feeling of being in God's Will and fruit being shown: priceless!
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