Our first Capricorn Community Church Wedding went brilliantly! This sweet couple is from Malawi. Their family gave them their blessing, the traditional wedding price (lobola wedding tradition) was paid and they awaited the right time. Their families weren’t able to travel for this occasion, so they decided not wait for them, they asked the entire church to come to their wedding – as we’re their only family near them. Actually, Pastor Severo made their wedding our Sunday Morning Worship Service last Sunday! The couple was greeted by Praise and Worship music from our Worship Team, the congregation sang along. The dress borrowed, the decorations donated, the reception provided by our congregation! All free to our very appreciative bride and groom! After the ceremony, the couple went for pictures (a photographer from our church provided his services) and the congregation turned over the church for the reception. Flowers, food, chairs, tables … all a surprise to the bride and groom who had no part in planning or arranging the wedding. As Francis and Bertha walked into the reception hall, they were overjoyed. They were astonished to see all the food and church members that pitched in to make the celebration possible.
This truly was the picture of the church coming together, providing for each other, being family for each other and celebrating life’s journey with one another. This couple hadn’t the means for a wedding (hence the Sunday Morning Service) and the church came together and showed love for this couple far away from their home.
Our church is a melting-pot of culture. Capricorn is full of refugees (Rwanda, Malawi, Somalia, Zimbabe), a variety of South African cultures (Xhosa, Afrikaans), and multiple other cultures. In our church, we currently have missionaries from America, UK, Germany, Sweeden. Our church speaks English predominantly, but English is not the first language of a of most in our congregation – it’s just the common language of all present. This truly is “every nation tribe and tongue (Rev 7, 14).”
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