03 March 2012

February Update 2012

This month has been busy. There have been many ups and downs and soul-searching moments. The longer I’m here, the more I know that spiritual transformation of the poor takes time and much patience; many days I feel I little of both.

Specifically, our church youth ministry is going through some hard times. Pastor Severo, Meagan and myself have seen some patterns of negative behavior and counter-Christian lifestyles. It’s been hard to watch some of our youth continue in fruitless, worldly patterns. We all realize that we can not change them, we can’t make them want Christ, we can’t make them care about spiritual matters. So, all we can do is continue to speak hard Truth into their lives, point out areas that need repentance and a 180 degree turn, and continue to show up to support them when they want to put action to their faith. This is a really hard process. I leave the church on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays crying; I want our youth (and entire congregation) to want more for themselves.

Ministering to the poor takes everything in you. Mourning over injustice and fighting for God’s Truth to prevail is an emotional, spiritual, physical battle. I’m seeing clearly why God puts so much emphasis on ministering to the poor. Their natural weaknesses are blank canvases for God’s mighty power and glory to be displayed. When you have no way to help yourself, all glory goes to God in even the smallest triumphs. It’s a beautiful problem to have. I’m thankful for my poor community and what they teach me about dependence on Christ for even the smallest things!


February in short:

. Celebrated my Capricorn friend Maggie’s 65th birthday! A friend and I surprised Maggie at her home. We brought a tart and some juice. It was the sweetest birthday celebration!

. Had the privilege of taking my South African grandmother to church one Sunday. She’s 90 years old and doesn’t get out of the house much. She loved being able to come to church and worship! Sitting beside her in worship was humbling. She praised the Lord with everything in her.

. Completed a 5 week course with 7th graders at one Primary School in the Ocean View community! Living Hope was asked to come in and lead a seminar on Leadership Development Basics. It was a huge success! We’re praying we get to do another seminar next term and continue the relationship with these students.

. An international team from Tennessee came to Living Hope and treated the LSEs to a day-retreat. We went to the beach and then to the Team House to eat a fabulous lunch and have a few hours of devotion and spiritual discussions! Thanks Rolling Hills for the day of fun!

. Youth Ministry is hard. Pray for our leadership’s perseverance and strength to continue despite set-backs.

. Said a business farewell to one of my close friends and mentor from Living Hope, Coleen. Coleen was our Human Resources Manager. On her last day at Living Hope, a few of us took her to breakfast and got to have one last chat. She’s moving on to another organization. Seeing people leave Living Hope is bittersweet; Living Hope trains many for their next step in ministry. Coleen is taking the Gospel to a new place and we’re going to miss her.



. For Shades Mountain’s Student Ministry Team that arrives in South Africa on 16 March. I’m thrilled to have visitors and ministry partners. We’re going to work them hard, so pray for effective, fruitful ministry!

. For the funding needs at Living Hope. New needs are arriving everyday. Our support of their programs are crucial. Thanks to all who help make ministry here possible through your giving.

. For the Youth of Capricorn Community Church – to seek Christ and turn away from the world’s ways and temptations.


February in photo:

My friend Maggie!

Maggie's colorful house

My South African sister and grandmother

LSE Day Retreat - beach time!

My crazy friend Chantel!

Friday Youth - teaching

Friday Youth - discussion/application groups

Coleen's farewell breakfast.

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