17 May 2012

Sunday questions from my 5 year old friend

My little 5 year old friend, comes to church with me every Sunday. I’ve been picking her (and all the little ones in the house) up for Sunday School for over a year. Never did her guardians or any adult in the house want to come with us. It’s taken many invitations, but her household adults now show up sporadically and are being loved by the church as well!

Recently, I’ve watched how her presence in church is affecting her thoughts. She’s thinking about the process of church and asking some really profound questions. For instance, during an altar-call for prayer, many of our congregation came up to the front so the pastor could pray for them. My little friend was intrigued by this, looked at the faces of those who were asking for prayer and said, “Why are they crying? Who are they talking to?” I said, “They’re talking to Jesus. They’re crying out for Him to help them.” She responded, “Is that crying?” In essence as she talked some more, she wanted to know if the act of crying is part of praying to the Lord. In her precious view of this matter, I saw her curiosity of ‘church’ grow and begin to form in other ways than ‘Sunday School’ answers.

Another Sunday during Worship, we were singing a song with the lyrics, “Come Lord Jesus, come.” She looked at me and said, “Who’s coming? Why are they singing that?” I responded, “They’re asking Jesus to come back like He said He would. He’s coming back to earth for those that love Him.” “He’s in the sky, right?” she asked. I said, “Yes, but not for long.” I then asked her, “Do you love Jesus?” She said with a big smile, “YES!” She grabbed my neck, squeezed me tight and continued to listen to the song lyrics and try to make sense of it all.

Even though spiritual conversation is probably not happening at her home on a regular basis, her once-a-week Sunday church experience is challenging her thinking and showing her love and affection she doesn’t get elsewhere. During the ‘greeting’ portion of the morning service, she walks up to every member of the Worship Team, throws her hand out and expects them to stop playing their instrument and give her a proper greeting. She makes sure she shakes hands with Pastor and his wife and will throw open her tiny arms to any new person that walks through the door, often saying, “Good morning! What’s your name” as she squeezes them tightly. She’s become the Mayor of Capricorn Community Church and a joy to have around. Faith like a child and simple curiosity like a child brings great lessons to our whole congregation!

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