01 June 2012

May 2012 Update and Recap

This month has been one of evaluation and prayer. I’ve had lots of meetings about future ministry possibilities, and now I’m busy evaluating what ministry work I’m most fruitful in and praying about how to spend my work-week hours. This has been a hard process. I’ve been in South Africa nearly 2 ½ years. Time has told what’s result-bearing. Now I’m trying to discern what God’s asking me to focus on and make adjustments in focus.

My call has always been to be in South Africa, plant roots (be there awhile), shed light on darkness (spiritual and physical ramifications), and be discipleship-minded (mentoring Biblically). I’m now seeking the best way to do such things in the most fruitful manner. Pray for this process as I know some hard decisions are ahead.

In short, this month has seen:
. Lots of chats about future ministry and new adventures in South Africa!
. Lots of time with Capricorn Community Church leadership and members – talking about the next steps as a church and how to continue the positive growth happening physically and spiritually. Our church is GROWING!
. On Fridays, I've been leading a series called Divinely Designed (Shades Mountain gifts assessment curriculum). Our youth studied Spiritual gifts, found out what theirs are, and discussed ways to use their God-given gifts in church and in community! It was an enlightening and empowering series for us all!
. Sickness. I caught a bug that kept me down for about 2 weeks. Lots of sinus issues, coughing and tiredness. I went to the doctor once and they said it was flu and I just needed to rest and was given a children’s dosage of cough meds. As I continued to get worse, I insisted the doctor give me more medicine. He took me seriously as he saw my decline and gave me antibiotics and cortisone pills. It was an up-hill battle, but I survived and have watched the same sickness hit most of Capricorn. Sadly, most of them won’t see the doctor, won’t get antibiotics and will suffer with this painful bout for a long time. Pray for the physical health of Capricorn.
. My friends from Seattle (that I visited when I was in the US in Oct 2011) came to Cape Town to work with Living Hope. It was fabulous to see them and hangout with like-minded people that asked very mission-minded questions and are concerned about the development of the church and people!
. My Shades Mountain gals are here! Emily, Allison and Marti are here to invest in Capricorn for 5 weeks. I’m so thankful they’re here. They’ve brought much excitement.

. For physical health for me and all those in Capricorn
. That the church continues to grow and sustain all these new members and their needs.
. For discernment about where to focus my time and ministry efforts. There’s lots of work and lots of areas where efforts are needed, but there’s only so much one can do. Pray for wisdom and courage to make God-led decisions.

Recap in photos:

My Seattle friends visiting South Africa
Worship at Capricorn Community Church!

Mother's Day at Capricorn Community Church: children singing a song!

Youth taking Spiritual Gifts test

Friday Youth Night at Capricorn Community Church

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