15 September 2012

not the masses, but the individual

Coming from the structured church of America, I'm used to church that is organized, programed, event-driven. Weekly church meetings, events for specific age groups, mission trips ... all offered to the congregation. If you were interested in growing and learning more about Christ, you took the initiative to attend these meetings/events and it would be a catalyst for new thought and application to your personal life.

Here, in South Africa - specifically in Capricorn, this self-motivation is foreign. Spiritual-life and ones' relationship with the Lord gets muddled with the necessities of survival and the immediate needs of the physical. [Yes, this too happens in America, but it's more of lack of prioritizing and personal preference in spending time rather than literally being challenged by the focus of finding food, tending to deadly illnesses, and being consumed with worry because of poverty of the physical, mental, emotional.] Our people in Capricorn are yearning for someone to care about them. They long for attention and for someone to look at their needs. Their need for love and identity, in my opinion, far out-weigh their need for physical survival necessities.

Since moving full-time under the church this month, I've been faced with this reality and have been shown by God that the strategy is not the masses, but the individual. Yes, there's a need for corporate worship and gathering, but I'm finding that time spent with individual families reaps much greater benefits in giving love, attention and confidence that someone loves them ... all in the name and tangible outpouring of love from God. Being an ambassador of God's love is more than preaching and ministering to the masses. Jesus' strategy was both the crowds and the individual, but we see Jesus' ministry most effective when He's working with individuals.

Ministry is messy. People are difficult. Needs of each are different. But, Jesus showed us that in every case, pointing to the Father and opening spiritual eyes through natural conversation led to transformed lives in the physical (renewed flesh), emotional (hope given), and the spiritual (abundant life here on earth) because of His love being active.

Ministry strategy here is not about the event but about the person. This makes ministry longer and often harder, but the individual growth is worth it! So, as this strategy unfolds and I dive deeper into the lives of these families, pray that God is active in opening spiritual eyes and drawing people to Himself. He is in the business of saving, so we proclaim that business and rely on Him to do the heavy-lifting!

Persevering ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, Mel. Love & miss you!!

Lauren Brown

Melanie's website.
