24 November 2012

My Thanksgiving 2012

No turkey. No dressing. But a lot of "spiritual family" around the table!

This year I was unable to attend the South African-American Thanksgiving that the foreigners here put on because it was my Graduation from one year of Rosebank Bible College! There's no big accreditation or qualifications that I have received ... simply 3 long, hard, challenging modules (from Jan-Nov) studying the Word deeply! I'm usually not a "big event" kind of gal, but I was so excited to go to this Graduation because it was a celebration of God answering a prayer to "grow me in wisdom" [as Jesus grew, Luke 2:52] this year!

My classmates and I had a blast as we ate and chatted and were challenged by testimonies and the commissioning-address from a local pastor from Fish Hoek. We were reminded that we are taught to teach. We have been entrusted this wisdom and insight for a purpose. God is renewing our mind for His glory and not our own!

This was a Thanksgiving of another sort and one I'll never forget. It's one of true thanks and celebration for a year of challenge through Biblical education.

. the ability to study God's Word!
. the community of like-minded Believers that encouraged me
. the women lecturers that brilliantly taught, researched and facilitated discussion
. the confidence in Christ that the Word gave me
. the new appreciation for the Cross and Jesus' life through the in-depth study of the book of John
. the encouragement in missions and church work through the study of 1 Corinthians
. the challenge in putting on the Armor for battle in the study of Ephesians
. the conviction that the Fruit of the Spirit needs to be alive in my life - Galatians
. the multi-generations that were my peers (age 20-82 years old)
... and most importantly, for God opening my eyes to how beautiful His scriptures are and showing me that it is my daily bread!

A Graduation program full of testimonies, song, and commissioning

Graduating class of 2012

Meagan came to support me and cheer me on in celebration!
This is us next to the official banner of Rosebank Bible College.

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