02 November 2012

Oct 2012 Update

Melanie's Oct 2012 South Africa Recap

. I had lots of hangout time with our youth girls - continuing to build relationships and trust. The week of school-holidays allowed me to do fun things with small groups of girls - baking lessons, runs on the beach, picnics!
. Guys and Girls Youth Fridays - separate meetings for guys and girls for 3 weeks in Oct: We're so thankful to have Holden (a Shades Mountain 6 month volunteer) helping lead the guys, so we gave him an opportunity to hangout and build relationships with his target audience. The girls had movie nights and Etiquette Classes - fancy dinner with the intention of teaching our girls to think of others above themselves! It was a great time of getting to be in smaller, more focused groups help us know our youth relationally.
. STUDY ZONE: We began opening our church building once a week, allowing our youth to have a quiet place to study and focus on education. With the leadership of 2 local teachers, this ministry is meeting real needs! Pray for this educational initiative and others that are going to be birthed next year. Our church is really trying to listen for and observe immediate needs, and in meeting those tangible needs, we have open doors for relationships and spiritual ministry!

. We've been meeting together each Wednesday night for corporate prayers (instead of small groups in the home). Pastor Severo is really wanting our church to unite in all areas and build unity in relationships. This weekly prayer-time has been fabulous! I love seeing our adults outside of a Sunday. And best of all, we pray into our families specifically and have a time to join hearts and requests. Pray with us that unity and transformation would be characteristics of our church!
. Pray for Pastor Severo and his family - that they would endure and persevere through this hard, muddy ministry in Capricorn. They need renewal of body, soul and spirit. Lift them up as you remember us in South Africa. 
. My dear friend, Youth Leader, and Worship Leader, Meagan, is on a new adventure path. She has quit her job (effective late Dec 2012) and will be attending Cape Town Baptist Seminary in 2013. We're all very proud of her; such a brave and faith-driven girl! Pray for Meagan as she's in need of school-fees and living expenses and all that comes with the challenges of doing ministry and going to Seminary. Pray for her strength and mental endurance. Pray for God's provision and blessing upon this endeavor of obedience. 

. My Bible College class is wrapping up soon, so I have a huge paper to write and an exam to study for in the coming days! I'm so thankful to have had a full year of in-depth study of the Bible with local South Africans. It's been a great community of Believers to lean on and draw life from! 
. PASSION WORLD TOUR! - Louie Giglio and friends visited Cape Town this month. The big Cape Town Stadium was packed with Believers worshiping the Lord and uniting in praise. It was so nice to have American Christians leading this initiative. Familiar voices and songs gave great comfort!
. Health focus: I've really been focusing on health and treating God's temple with priority. With a constant struggle to stay healthy here (foreign germs, exhaustion and spiritual warfare), I've felt better these days and know that God is blessing the focus on Him! Pray that I'd continue to have the energy and perseverance to rest, exercise, and listen to my body!
. Still waiting on my renewed South African Volunteer Visa. I should have had an answer weeks ago, but The Home Affairs Office has had huge delays and many staff turn-overs. Pray that this paperwork would come back with a positive result … and quickly!

[for pictures and more details of these above notes, scroll in the blog below]

Thank you for your support and prayer. God bless you for keeping up with what God's doing in the nations. 

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