03 January 2013

December Recap and Update

December has been a fulfilling time of ministry and Christmas Celebration. The month began with Youth Camp; we had 15 youth "earn" the opportunity to participate in our Camp week. Youth had to attend a certain number of Youth Gatherings and Sunday morning worship services in the months prior to Camp. They also had to contribute R60 (approximately $7 US) toward the camp expenses (which can be a lot of money for these youth households). 
The Camp week itself was amazing. Our youth were led in worship by a local worship-band and heard messages from 1 Peter that challenged them to focus on Christ through their trials. Our youth bonded through common experiences and through times of worship. To read more about Camp Week and to see photos, click here. We can't wait to build upon these "camp lessons" and take Youth to the next level in 2013!

December was also our Farewell to our precious intern, Holden. This amazing young man brought life and excitement to our Youth as he came to serve alongside of us for 6 months. Our church is forever grateful to Holden for his time and love spent. 

Christmas was wonderful and extremely HOT. Summer Christmas is quite different. There's not hot cocoa or crackling fires. There's lots of sun and sweat. 

The Sunday before Christmas, Meagan's family came over to celebrate. I baked cupcakes and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Meagan bought a traditional South African Milk-tart. It was nice to have the Daniels over and hangout as a family!

Christmas Day for Christians in South Africa is spent in Worship at church and then around a lunch table with family. This year, after worship, I spent Christmas lunch with Pastor Severo and his family with beach umbrellas and a swimming pool. It was a sweet time of celebrating Jesus' birth and relaxing with friends. 

The biggest news of December is … I moved homes. After much prayer and consideration, I moved closer to Capricorn so that our house can be used for ministry on a daily basis. Meagan, my roommate, agreed we should make the move, so we packed up and moved this past week (after Christmas). We're still getting settled. The place we moved out of was totally furnished; I lived there almost 3 years. Now I'm "setting up house" for real and having to make big purchases for basic house needs. This is such a frustrating process, but overall, we're already seeing great purpose and blessing in this move. Praise God for being able to listen to His nudgings and literally move when He says move! 
[photos of the new house to come - watch the blog in the coming days!]

A few prayer requests for this coming month:

. for Pastor Severo and his wife Judy as they dream and cast vision for 2013 and lead our church in deeper growth as a Body of Believers.
. for my Visa renewal - I've been to Home Affairs to check on the progress and have called numerous times. They don't seem to know where my application is in the process. This is crucial to so many things that I need to settle here. Pray for a speedy and successful renewal.
. Meagan as she begins Seminary - late January. Pray that God will bless her leap of faith and obedience. Pray for her ability to focus and study and excel in learning. 
. Capricorn Community Church's very first Internship Program beginning in 2013. We need 2 guys and 2 girls to come invest in our children and youth in June/July 2013. Pray for the applicants. Pray that God would prepare all parties for this ministry!


Delcarmes saying goodbye to their "angel" - Holden! 

Sunday Christmas Tea with the Daniels family (with lots of help from Christmas care-packages from the USA)

Meagan's family

Christmas Day Worship Service at Capricorn Community Church

Christmas Day lunch with the Delcarmes

Kids table at Christmas lunch!

As always, thank you for keeping up with this journey. Thank you for your love and support. Looking forward to seeing what 2013 will bring in God's ministry here in South Africa!

1 comment:

Flippo Family said...

Glad to see you had a wonderful Christmas. If was great for us to have all our kids around the same table for christmas.

life is a change in the us but we know it is where our assignment is for right now. weare having opportunity to train young people to go and that is wonderful.

praying God would continue to provide for you and meagan and that you will be encouraged in the wonderful Job you are doing for Christ.

love you

Melanie's website.
