04 September 2011

Youth Camp Fundraiser Update

Thank you for the many prayers for our Capricorn Community Church (first ever) Youth Camp Fundraiser! We collected around R2500 ($350 US)! Because I was still sick and couldn't leave the house, I didn't get to see the event in full-form, but I got to see video and photos and heard detailed stories about all the people that were there and how unifying the event was for not only our youth but our entire church. 
The youth invited lot of other churches in Capricorn and many churches we don't currently have relationships with were in attendance! As you'll see from the photos, there were a variety of 'acts' that added to the worship of the night (dancers, singing groups, choirs, mimes). I was so proud to hear the reports from our church leaders and from our youth. Praise God for all the hands, feet and hearts that spent energy on this Worship-Event. And our Camp budget is appreciative too!

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