The Official October Update:
Thank you to all who have been part of this recent 'Journey to the USA!' Meagan and I were truly blessed, busy, lived the "American pace," spoke to many ministry partners, gave updates, and were filled to the brim with love and food! Time was too short; there were many people we didn't get to connect with - and for that I apologize, but I hope everyone knows that it wasn't a lack of interest or lack of love on my part, it was a time-issue. I really appreciate everyone's interest in this mission. I feel the love and covet your prayers.
Here are a few points of update and a photo-recap of October:
1. Funding: I'm 90% funded for 2012! I'm absolutely shocked and honored that fundraising has gone so well thus far. It's been nothing of my own doing, God has gathered His team to partner; I'm grateful that God would burden the hearts of His children to give to ministry in South Africa. THANK YOU!
[If you're still interested in giving to this mission, see the HOW TO HELP portion of my blog on the right column. Every gift, great and small, is appreciated.]
2. I am overflowing: God used my American friends and family to fill me up (spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally). I'm now back on the ground pouring out and realizing that these South African people take a lot of energy from me. This first week back on the ground has been exhausting and draining, but it's been your prayers and investment in me that is sustaining me. God is using others to remind me of His plans and purposes. THANK YOU!
3. Living Hope Life Skills Department (Afternoon Clubs, School Ministry, Parenting Courses, Preschool Ministry, Leadership Development) is going through evaluations. We're looking at the last few years of ministry and looking forward. What will 2012 hold? Changes, we know that! Pray with us that we will listen to the Lord and be guided by His plans for Living Hope Life Skills! I'm excited about some of the strategic changes and plans being discussed. Pray for how to implement God's Big-Vision!
Recap of the USA visit and 'fill-up' in photos:

Shades Mountain Baptist Church. My home-sending church! Spent 2 weeks with these amazing people: taught Sunday School Classes (adult and youth), spoke to Wednesday Night Worship Services for youth, university, and preschool students, met with many partners for meals and got to join the church staff for devotion during their weekly meeting together! I'm truly blessed by this body of Believers!
Meagan enjoying American, luxury coffee. It helped us both to keep going!
Bama game. Overwhelming!
Blairsville, Georgia - experiencing the beauty of the South in the Fall!
Brasstown Bald - trip to visit grandparents.

Overlake Christian Church, Seattle, Washington: A Living Hope partner. Also met with North Shore Church in Seattle - new Living Hope partners, coming to visit South Africa in May 2012!
Overlake's Mission: Serve the World. We found it funny that South Africa is the only piece of Africa represented in this piece of artwork. Ironic, maybe. Poignant, yes!

Stone Mountain, Georgia. Visiting family and met with Graystone Church in Grayson, Georgia.

On top of Stone Mountain!

Back at Shades Mountain for one last teaching-time ... with the Preschool! They studied South Africa and Living Hope the weeks prior to our visit. We were blessed to receive their offerings and beautiful thank-you cards. I LOVE Shades Mountain and their vision for missions at every age!

Meagan's visit to the Fire Station!

We got to stay in many homes and with beautiful families while we were in the US. Thank you to all who hosted (and offered to host). THANK YOU ALL!
[Note: this is only a small recap. This doesn't offer even a glimpse into the people, places, conversations that were great blessings. I am blessed by my American friends and ministry partners!]
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