06 December 2010

A new kind of Christmas

Its the most wonderful (hectic) time of year... Christmas. This Festive Season looks a lot different in my part of the world. Not only am I in the heat of summer this December with no fir tree or lights or hot cider in my home, but I'm also not concerned with the normal 'thoughts' of the season in America. The last few years at this time, I was going to Christmas plays & pageants - and hopping parties - in an effort to spend time with & celebrate with all areas of relationships in my life. It seemed as if every group (Sunday School, staff, small group, ladies group, your accountability partner ...) expected to gather to eat & hang out - often exchanging some token of appreciation. Whew, I look back now & it exhausts me to think of the 2 weeks before Christmas - the time spent running around 'partying,' the money spent on 'bringing a dish' & the gift exchanges... And that was just BEFORE Christmas- that doesn't even include the day-of prep & gifts & family-time spent. Although all of that 'togetherness' is my cultural definition of Christmas, I'm totally out of that tradition this year & now making new memories & traditions. This new-way of doing Christmas is much less stressful and expensive - and it seems much more pure to the meaning of this Season!

Capricorn Church, thanks to the help of my Shades Mountain friends, put together an Christmas Advent devotion series for our congregation to go through at home. Our church is being reminded of the relevance, prophecy, & importance of God's Word! My tiny little church has never done anything like this. The unity its bringing is beautiful & our hearts are being knit together by common learning experiences! This is Christmas season ill never forget!

Read an article by one of my favorite authors, Rob Bell, (about Advent) that I want to pass along:


May you be reminded of the purity of this season! Take a deep breath & enjoy Christ!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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