01 December 2010

World AIDS Day 2010

(picture: Walk-in Clinic & the Life Skills Team)

Living Hope was ALL OVER THE PLACE today! As you can imagine we, as an HIV Prevention Organization, had a lot of people's attention. Our Life Skills Educators Team split up and helped at 6 locations in the local community. Health Counselors and HIV Testing Organizations set up mobile testing sites all over the Cape, so we brought our lively group and a little creativity to engage the crowds and educate them about the infection and spread of HIV - emphasizing 'You win or lose by the way you choose, so choose right!' This was the title and theme of our games that we played - doing HIV trivia and letting the audience participate in interactive games!

The group I was with ministered to the West Lake Community - passing out flyers door-to-door - advertising the free testing at the local community center. We then moved to a local hospital (with HIV/AIDS & TB patients) - helping them celebrate life and encouraging them. Our third and final location was at a Walk-In Clinic where there were rows and rows of young moms with their babies - waiting to see a nurse. We set up shop in the middle of the waiting room and did our educational program there!

The day concluded when all the Living Hope Life Skills Educators supported a Netball Tournament in Masi (a black community Living Hope is active in). The tournament was part of Masi's World AIDS Day awareness. It drew a crowd and caused the community to unite! Netball is similar but very different to my native-sport, basketball. I had a blast playing and being wild on the court! It was nice having all the Life Skill Educators together - either playing or cheering! I love these people!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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