09 February 2012

Hope for the future

Youth Ministry is hard.
It's hard to put your finger on why.
There's the teenage attitude, the vanity, peer pressure, undeveloped brains ...
But I think it's because we're working with such moldable people. They're not steady, they're not solid in anything - not self-image, not beliefs, not ambition, not commitment, NOTHING. So when focusing on making true followers of Christ, this moldable age is where it's most crucial.

Last Friday at Youth in Capricorn, I felt like we had some breakthrough.
We're camping out on Romans 12 for a few months. Specifically, we're teaching through Romans 12: 9-21. But, the first couple sections of this chapter humble me so much. Read with me:
Romans 12:1-8 kicks me into action by reminding me that ...

I must be a LIVING, ACTIVE sacrifice. A sacrifice is pure, an offering, a sign of peace.
I must be humble. I must use my gifts IN UNITY.

Romans 12: 9-21 is where we're placing heavy study amongst our Capricorn Youth. This past week, we rolled out a long piece of butcher paper and gave them time to write. It was brilliant. We watched the youth pour out their hearts on paper. We watched them dream for their communities. I was honored to be part of the moment - part of watching God work and mentally transform these young people!

Take a look at these photos. Our youth dream of happiness, love, transformation in their communities. They're not asking it for themselves, but they're asking God to do this for those around them - therefore, impacting their families, neighbors, and country in the name of Christ and His standards. We're taking baby-steps towards transformation - in God's perfect timing.


Jeremiah 29: 11
Plans for a hope and a future.

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