My theme verse for 2012:
“And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” - Luke 2:52
I’m working on my goals and already finding progress – even after only one month of perusing this theme.
Wisdom – I wanted to be spiritually challenged mentally. I’ve enrolled in a class at Fish Hoek Bible College teaching a 3 month course on 1 Corinthians. It’s going great. I’ve got lots of challenging homework and truly feel like I’m gaining spiritual wisdom. It’s the perfect course for someone who’s church-planting in a very immoral geographical location.
Stature – Working on physical goals - I’m jogging/walking 3-4 days a week. It’s so hot here, I have to wake up at 5:30am in order to work out in decent temperatures. I even went to buy a new pair of running shoes at the equivalent of American Outlet stores this past weekend. I’m in a 5k walk in Feb and plan on continuing this health-focus for the rest of my life! I can’t believe how healthy I feel! I’m praising God for a healthy body and ability to use my body!
Favor with God and man – I’m seeing God open doors in ministry that were previously blocked. I’m seeing him flourish relationships that encourage me. I’m still battling with some of the same issues I had in Oct/Nov when life was so hectic here, but I’m praising God for baby steps. Working with people in ministry is HARD. Working with poverty-minded people is even HARDER. I’m praying for favor in multiple ways.
. Wrote my first funding proposal with the help of Avril and Chantel (to the US government) on behalf of Teen and Leadership Development Ministry. We applied for $15,000 US dollars for ministry that I’m helping lead at Living Hope. We’ll know in September 2012 if the proposal was accepted.
. We have 4 new Life Skills Interns at Living Hope. This is basically a gap-year program (called Legacy) so that young people from our communities can learn about ministry and hopefully want to serve the Lord through ministry after the year with Living Hope. The interns must have a Pastor's reference and sign a year contract. This program is not paid, but does have a stipend for travel and basic life expenses, but it's truly a small sum. This is definitely a learning internship! We're glad to have them and can't wait to see what they learn this year! You'll hear more about their progress in the months to come. I hope to be working with them in a Leadership Development capacity and to use them to help build their local churches at the same time!
. Sad news: Big John (the backbone of Living Grace) died this month. His funeral was wonderful. Members of Living Grace sang and gave a beautiful tribute. We're mourning the death of this legend, but thankful that his many years of battling sickness is over. Pray for Auntie Joan as she carries on the ministry of Living Grace without her partner.
. Funding for 2012 – THANK YOU to all who have contributed to this mission and funding need thus far. I’m tracking well with my personal and ministry needs and will continue to pray that commitments roll in and God continues to provide – as we know He will! I’m honored to have you along for this journey.

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