25 September 2012

#TouchYourWorld : Capricorn

The question was asked, "How can you reach Capricorn with the love of Christ in the categories: Church, School, Work, Home, and in your Free Time. This is the list of things our  Capricorn Community Church YOUTH came up with! 


100 Ways to Touch Your World : Capricorn, South Africa

1. Offer to help the Pastor as needed. Be willing to serve our leaders.
2. Pray for our Pastor and leaders in the church - for God's guidance and anointing.
3. Attend before-service prayer time each Sunday. 
4. Be a "welcomer" and greet people as they enter the church on Sundays. 
5. Help set-up the church on Sunday mornings - put out chairs, sweep, set up equipment. 
6. Sweep the church on Sundays after the service. 
7. Pack up the chairs on Sundays after the service. 
8. Pack up the worship/music equipment Sundays after the service. 
9. Pray for the sick in our church. 
10. Pray for salvation of those visiting or attending our church. 
11. Tell the church leaders that they are appreciated and that their hard work is noticed. 
12. Intentionally find someone in our church that's hurting or going through a hard time and pray for them. 
13. During Sunday Worship, help keep the younger kids quiet and seated during worship so others can focus on praise and worship to God. 
14. Help Sunday School Teachers with the younger children. 
15. Give a testimony in church about what God has done for me - encourage the church!
16. Serve our youth group by being faithful in attendance and participation on Friday nights. 
17. Be available to talk with those in our church who need someone to listen. 
18. Be loving and not judgmental when interacting with those around me who have a "dark past" and need God's love. 
19. Greet and talk with visitors on Sunday mornings. 
20. Pray for the church's Guys Soccer Team - for the Lost ones to come to know the Lord and for practices to be a ministry to them. 
21. Help set-up or clean up Youth Friday Gatherings. 
22. Write letters to our partner church in the USA (Shades Mountain Baptist Church). Tell them how we're praying for them and ask for their prayers. 
23. Put on a fundraiser for our church. God's house is worthy to be taken care of through finances!
24. Decorate or design the Sunday Worship space - make it cozy and inviting for our congregation. 
25. Invite friends to church events. 
26. Visit the homes of those who have not been to church in awhile. 
27. Visit the homes of our Sunday School children whose parents do not attend our church - tell the home about our church, invite them to come, pray with them. 
28. Bake cupcakes for someone you'd like to encourage in our church. 
29. Serve tea/coffee after church and invite the congregation to hangout and chat with each other. 
30. Take a note to someone who visited our church for the first time. Thank them for worshipping with us and invite them back. 
31. Help with Worship PowerPoint - click through the words of the songs so the worship team and congregation can praise God in song. 
32. Come early to church, sit in the chairs, pray for the people that will sit there and ask God to move in the Worship Service. 
33. Attend weekly Cell Group. Participate. Pray for the home it's conducted in. 
34. Pray for missionaries who are spreading God's love in the Nations. 
35. Invite someone to church that needs Christ, and have them over for lunch afterwards so you can talk about the sermon or what they experienced in Worship. 

1. Help my teacher when he/she needs assistance. 
2. Obey my authorities. 
3. Offer to listen or pray for those in my class that are going through a hard time. 
4. Help others with their school work. 
5. Tell my peers about Christ. 
6. Have a prayer-time once a month in the morning before school - praying for fellow students and staff members of the school. 
7. Use recess or lunch periods to gather with people who want to pray. 
8. Personally give 100% at your tasks - study hard, work hard, learn the most you can. 
9. Encourage your teacher when she's having a bad day. 
10. Encourage children who have dropped out of school to go back and continue their education. 
11. Sit with someone new - ask them how they are and really listen. 
12. Help someone who's struggling to read. 
13. Surprise a classmate with an afternoon snack.

1. Ask my boss if there's anything I can do for him/her this week. 
2. Write a note of encouragement to a co-worker. 
3. Use lunch-break for a co-worker Bible Study. 
4. Bake a cake for the office staff and tell them about your relationship with Christ. 
5. Ask your work to have a fundraiser for a local charity. 
6. Ask a co-worker to read through the book of John and discuss the daily readings together during tea-time. 
7. Put a Bible verse on my desk or on my bag - as a conversation starter with co-workers. 
8. Bring an extra sandwich to work for someone you know doesn't have money to buy bread this week. 

1. Allow "street children" to come into your home. Teach them about Christ. 
2. Pray for your family members who are Lost. 
3. Have a family meeting - listen to what's going on in their lives and pray together. 
4. Help neighbors repair their homes. 
5. Offer to help a family member do a chore. 
6. Be obedient to parents. 
7. Talk with those who are struggling with alcohol, drugs, etc - tell them that they are part of our family, that they are loved and God is bigger than their addiction. 
8. Have a party for the children on your street. Use the party as an opportunity to tell them that God loves them. 
9. Have a Bible Study in my house. 
10. Volunteer to help your mom do anything she needs for a week - clean dishes, sweep the house - and tell her how thankful you are for what she does for the family. 
11. Serve soup out of your home to "street children" 
12. Look after "street children" in your road - make sure they're being treated well by the community, fed, and given the basics. 
13. Invite someone for dinner. Use it as an opportunity to share the love of Christ. 
14. Help brothers/sisters with homework. 
15. Set an example in behavior and speech for brothers/sisters. 
16. Sell old clothes or things in the house that we don't need - give the money to the church.
17. Put Bible verses on the wall and memorize them with the children in your home each week. 

1. Tell my friends that I hangout with that God loves them and that He's amazing!
2. Give food to those who do not have any that day, and tell them about God's love for them. 
3. Randomly give out fruit and bread on the street and use that opportunity to show God's love.
4. Visit the sick in the hospital and read God's Word to them. 
5. While hanging out with my friends, casually talk to them - building relationships that will lead to sharing Christ. 
6. Start a community weekly Bible Study.
7. With a group of friends, go door-to-door and ask if there's anything you can do to help them around the house. 
8. Go door-to-door and ask if there's anything you can pray for those who live in their home. 
9. Be intentional about encouraging my friends. 
10. Smile and say hello to those you pass on the street. 
11. Spend time praying for our community, Capricorn. 
12. Be intentional about sharing the Gospel with friends.
13. Donate my free-time to helping others in my community. 
14. Donate money to organizations helping others in my community. 
15. Clean up the trash in the streets and parks. 
16. Help older people clean their yards.
17. Go to the local "house-bars" (called Shebeens) and tell the people about God and lead them to Christ. 
18. Write a letter to someone you love who is Lost. 
19. Sit with my friends who want to know more about Christ and teach them how to read the Bible. 
20. Volunteer at the Children's Home in Capricorn. 
21. Join the initiatives going on at the Community Centre. 
22. Organize a block-party in your street to build relationships with your neighbors.
23. Call up a friend you've haven't seen in awhile and tell them you love them and haven't forgotten about them. 
24. Hold a bake sale and donate the proceeds to a home you know that's struggling financially. 
25. Intentionally witness to gangster in the community. Tell them God loves them and share the Gospel. 
26. Babysit for a single mom. 
27. Give a blanket to someone homeless or a "street child"


Pray that the Youth of Capricorn Community Church will live selfless, God-honoring lives that share the Gospel and Christ's love wherever they go!

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