17 October 2012

School Holidays : Girls Hangout!

The third term of school has come and gone. School holidays were a week-long time of ministry opportunities for me and my new role on our church staff. 

During the school break, I was able to hangout with many of the girls in our Youth Ministry - taking them to my house for hang-time or day-trips to the beach. It was fabulous. Getting more time with these gals was a treat for me and huge steps in relationships and accountability. I'm so thankful for this new work-focus and thankful for the time I get to spend loving on our Capricorn Community Church Youth! 

Pray for our Youth Girls - for God to ignite a fire in them for His Word and for commitment to His church!

Group 1: a little workout ...

Group 1: a little baking : home-made eclairs 

Group 2 : picnic on the beach after a morning 5k walk/jog

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