16 October 2012

Soccer Camp Stars!

During the school holidays a few weeks ago, 6 young boys from our church were sponsored to attend a Christian Soccer Camp. These boys have not had formal training nor were they all Christians (having committed their lives to Christ). By the end of the camp, 5 trophies were awarded to our boys - for sportsmanship, positive attitudes, and soccer skills. I'm happy to report that 3 of the 6 boys made decisions for Christ, and Pastor Severo is following up with them about their commitment! These boys impressed the coaches and excelled in the skill of the game and in sportsmanship!

The Sunday following their Soccer Camp, Pastor Bruce (one of our leadership from the UK) and Pastor Severo made an awards ceremony during Worship and commended the boys for their representation of our church and Christ! I was moved to tears as I watched the next generation make steps toward Christ! God is raising up a new generation of leaders in His name!

Our boys being quizzed (during Sunday Worship) on their Soccer Camp daily memory verses 

Official Soccer Camp photo (of our Capricorn Community Church boys) with trophies and acquired t-shirt and ball to take home! 

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