01 October 2012

Sept 2012 : Melanie's South Africa Ministry Update

This month has tested my patience, faith and endurance in Christ. Thankful for needing to be totally dependent on Christ here in South Africa.

Progress is slow, but I see God's hand in and around His church. 

. Youth - we're in the process of helping our youth think outside themselves - making their faith more about "Love God. Love People." - trying to model Christlike selflessness. Whew! This is a challenge and such a journey. This month, we've mapped out Capricorn on large paper and allowed the youth to plot areas of positive and negative influences, activities, etc. They LOVED this activity. They took this challenge and taught us a lot about what they're facing in their communities. The following week, after a teaching on Moses' faith and prayers saving a people from God's wrath (Numbers 13 -14),  we literally walked around this map and prayed over the streets and activities of Capricorn. We emphasized the fact that the faith and prayers of one person can reach the ears of God and work miracles! 
*The Youth also made a list of 100 ways to #TouchYourWorld (inspired by Shades Mountain's emphasis on local impact)!

. In Sunday School - the numbers of children coming each week is increasing (50-60 on average - with 1-2 teachers). It's a bit overwhelming growth, but we're so thankful for it. Pray for our Sunday School leadership that they would devote more time to investing on our children. 

. An outside ministry that serves poverty-communities (Eagles Wings) came to do a "fun day" for our church children on a Saturday. They led songs, games, competitions and fed them a nice meal! It was so great spending weekend hours with our little ones! The more time you spend with these children, the more of God's love they store up and get to see! The Ministry of Presence is key with Capricorn children.

. I'm still having some trouble transitioning into ministry full-time under the church. Mainly this is due to the lack of resources/space to minister. The church rents a building in Capricorn and can only use the building "after-hours" or on the weekend. The pastor has one small office - that I use one day a week while he's off. I need a place to work, a place to meet with clients and counsel, a place to "be" in Capricorn so I can see to the needs of our people during the week. Pray for our own building. Pray for space for our growing staff and ministry needs.


. I turned in my SA Volunteer Visa Renewal application this month. Waiting to hear back from South Africa's Home Affairs department. Pray that they grant me renewal and that I can continue to volunteer and minister to Capricorn. 

. Got to relax and have a day off during the recent South African Public Holiday: Heritage Day. Check out recent blog posts for more details and photos!

. Still working on my theme verse this year: Luke 2:52 "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man." 

Wisdom: My Bible Class: is going well. We're doing an in-depth study of Galatians and Ephesians this trimester. Challenging!
Stature: Working out! Spring has sprung here in the Cape and it's helping my work-out goals. All the cardio DVDs may have to take a break while the nice, crisp air allows me to get outdoors more!
Favor with God and man: this is a prayer daily as I work in a very difficult place. Pray with me!

One of my Capricorn children! Such sweetness!

Eagles Wings Children Ministry to CCC

Day of relaxation : beautiful South African beaches!

One of my beautiful Capricorn babies!

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