21 November 2012

Children's Worship Event

Pre-teen boys dancing: break-dancing worship!

Little Esthers Dance Girls: Hip Hop "breathe in" 

Meagan leading "God of the City"

Luciano praying!

Children: true worshipers leading the way!

As many of you who are familiar with our church in South Africa know, our congregation is full of children - some who attend with their parents or grandparents, most who simply come because it's a way to get off the streets and a place where they're loved. Pastor Severo has a heart for these children. We've all grown very attached and protective of these little ones. Pastor Severo felt the need to gather the children for a special worship service catered for them. 

We had our very first Children's Worship Event this past Saturday. Severo and Meagan led the service; some of our youth joined to oversee the event as well. The church was rocking with sounds of children praising the Lord through song, dance and prayer. I was so moved by the turn out (about 45 children) and how engaged they were. 

God continues to teach me about the faith of children and the responsibility of taking care of His children - especially those who are vulnerable or seemingly neglected by adults. Pray for our church as we move into the next phase of ministry with our children. Capricorn is ripe with the fruit of childlike faith!

1 comment:

pambhm said...

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:13-16 (NIV)

Melanie's website.
